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Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Hiking Around Las Vegas, Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi Trail starts in the Visitor Center picnic area (view W)


The Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail is a pleasant 2.7-mile hike that runs from the Visitor Center to Calico 1 Trailhead and back. The trail traverses big, open country and rarely goes straight when it has the opportunity to wind around. The scenery is spectacular in all directions, and signs along the trail explain the geologic history and fire history of the area.

This trail is one of the interconnected Visitor Center loop trails that the Red Rocks folks are calling "Ride Share Deluxe." Problems with Internet connectivity continue to be an issue for visitors using ride share services in this area, so this loop trail keeps people close to the Visitor Center where they can get WiFi and WiFi-calling service at the end of their hike to call for a pickup.

Link to map or elevation profile.

Link to BLM Georeference PDF map file with coverage of this trail.

Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Approaching the Moenkopi and Grand Circle trailheads (view W)

Watch Out

Other than the standard warnings about hiking in the desert, ...this is a safe hike, even for kids, but watch for traffic when crossing the road. There are places where you could get hurt if you tried, but the trail is safe. Most of the trail is well groomed, relatively free of rocks, and makes for easy walking.

While hiking, please respect the land and the other people out there, and try to Leave No Trace of your passage. Also, even though this hike is short, be sure to bring what you need of the 10 Essentials.

Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi trailhead sign (view W)

Getting to the Trailhead

This hike is located along the Scenic Loop Road in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area, about 30 minutes west of Las Vegas. Drive out to Red Rocks, pay the entrance fee, then drive up to the Visitor Center Trailhead. Park here; this is the trailhead.

The Moenkopi and Grand Circle trails start at the northwest corner of the parking area near the Visitor Center buildings.

Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
The trail bends to switchback down the hillside (view W)

The Hike

From the Visitor Center Trailhead (Table 1, Waypoint 01), which is just past several picnic tables, a memorial, and information signs, this trail starts on the Moenkopi Loop Trail, which runs southwest down the gentle grade to a trail junction where it merges onto an old road (Wpt. 02). The trail bends right and runs northwest along the old road for about 70 yards. Just past the weather station (on the right), the trail reaches another junction (Wpt. 03).

Here (Wpt. 03), the Moenkopi and Grand Circle trails turn right and run north out around the west side of the Visitor Center complex. The vegetation along here is dominated by low-growing, widely spaced creosote bush, some red brome grass, and few other species.

The trail runs north past the Visitor Center, then drops into a wash. In the wash, notice the difference that a little extra water makes in the desert. Here the creosote and other shrubs are fairly dense and robust compared to those growing on the flats above.
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
The trail runs down the hillside (view SE)

Just across the wash (Wpt. 04), the Moenkopi Trail reaches another trail junction. Here, the Moenkopi Trail turns left, while the Grand Circle Trail (connecting to the Calico Hills Trail and other short Visitor Center Area Trails) continues straight.

The Moenkopi Trail runs north up the bajada staying on a low ridge. On this part of the trail, the shrubby vegetation is diverse and dominated by creosote bush, Mojave yucca, and blackbrush. Other common species include composite shrubs, four-wing saltbush, Nevada ephedra, strawberry hedgehog cactus, spiny menodora, desert trumpet, white bursage, and more red brome grass.

The trail winds along with grand views in all directions. About 5 to 10 minutes past the trail junction, there is a sign about the formation for the Calico Hills, explaining that they were sand dunes some 180 million years ago. Note that to the west, left of the trail, Moenkopi Hill can be seen rising from the desert flats.

Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail merges onto an old road (view W)

From the information sign, the trail generally runs north-northwest until it is well past (north of) the summit of Moenkopi Hill. The trail then begins a big arc to the northwest. The trail eventually reaches a trail junction (Wpt. 05) where the Moenkopi Trail stays left and the trail to the right heads out to the Calico I Trailhead.

From the junction (Wpt. 05), the Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail runs northeast climbing across rolling terrain. This part of the trail cuts across the heart of the 2005 Loop Fire. The trail drops to cross a major wash, then climbs through three switchbacks to arrive at the edge of the Scenic Loop Road (Wpt. 06).

After carefully crossing the Scenic Loop Road (remember, drivers are on vacation and not paying attention), hikers enter the Calico 1 parking area. The route now turns right to head south down through the parking area. Stop and use the outhouse if necessary, then continue to the actual trailhead (Wpt. 07). At the trailhead signs, the Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail actually stayed inside the fencing and continues south on the edge of the Scenic Loop Road. Fencing here keeps hikers near the pavement, so watch for erratic drivers.

Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi Trail runs out past the weather station (view NW)

After about 200 yards, the Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail angles away from the Scenic Loop Road and goes over a low ridge that shields hikers from the sights and sounds of the roadway. This part of the trail runs on the east edge of the Loop Fire, and here some shrubs survived.

At about 0.46 miles from Calico 1 Trailhead, the trail reaches 4-way trail junction (Wpt. 08). The Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail turns right to head east down a wide, shallow gully. In this area, the trail held as a fire line, so this area is now on the edge of the fire. The difference between the burned and unburned desert is apparent.

About 200 yards down the gully, hikers encounter another trail junction (Wpt. 09). Here, the Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail continues straight, while the trail to the left turns south and heads out to the Entrance Fee Station.

Continuing down the gully, the trail soon arrives again at the Scenic Loop Road (Wpt. 10). As before, watch for crazy drivers and carefully cross the road.

Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Passing the weather Station (view N)

By now, the Visitor Center is clearly visible ahead in the not-too-far distance, and the trail runs southwest through unburned vegetation to pass north of the buildings. When almost past the buildings, hikers arrive at a trail junction (Wpt. 04), which is the Moenkopi Trail again.

Continuing straight west on the Moenkopi Trail, hikers cross a wash and climb the far hillside. The trail bends left to runs south, passing the Visitor Center, and arrives at a T-intersection (Wpt. 03) with the Grand Circle Trail.

Turing left, hikers head east on the old road past the weather station, then bend left (Wpt. 02) and climb the hill back to the Moenkopi Trailhead (Wpt. 01) and the front of the Visitor Center.

Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Past weather station, hiker approaches trail junction (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail junction (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi Trail turns to run northeast (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
The trail heads out along-side the Visitor Center (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi and Grand Circle trails diverge on the hillside (view NE
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail eventually wraps around behind the Visitor Center (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Approaching trail junction (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Signs at trail junction; turn left onto Moenkopi Trail (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details: Moenkopi Trail (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker: Moenkopi Trail (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details: Moenkopi Trail (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share follows Moenkopi Trail (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Slight incline (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Approaching an information sign about Prehistoric Sand Dunes
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Information sign along the trail
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
The landscape levels out (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Heading towards the Calico Hills (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail runs parallel to Moenkopi Ridge (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
The trail became a fireline in 2005 (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
The fireline didn't stop the fire here (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Unused signpost along the trail (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Still heading north (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Approaching a trail junction (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail junction: Ride Share Deluxe turns right (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail traverses gentle terrain across burn scar (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Crossing the heart of the Loop Fire (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail crosses wash and climbs across hillside (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail climbs across hillside (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail turns a long switchback (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail continues across gentle, rolling terrain (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail continues across gentle, rolling terrain (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail turns a sharper corner (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail continues across gentle, rolling terrain (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail approaching Scenic Loop Road (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Watch for car speeding up the road (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail crosses road and stays along fence (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Calico 1 Trailhead parking area (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share follow sidewalk through the parking area (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share follow sidewalk through the parking area (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Vault toilet (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail approaching actual Calico 1 Trailhead (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail at Calico 1 Trailhead sign (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail continues along the fence (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details: Calico Hills Trail and Grand Circle Trail (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share continues out of Calico 1 parking area (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share runs parallel to Scenic Loop Road (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share soon departs the Scenic Loop Road (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail follow ridge above Calico Hills Wash (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail follows the edge of the Loop Fire burn zone (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Mojave Yucca resprouting from the roots (most die)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker; Visitor Center is visible in the distance (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail runs along a low ridgeline (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Passing the end of the Calico Hills (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail approaching a trail junction (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail angles right at trail marker (view SW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details (view SW; Calico Hills and Great Circle turn right)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trails to the left lead to Calico Basin trailhead (view SE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail heads towards the Visitor Center (view SW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail (view SW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail approaching another trail junction (view SW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Calico Hills Trail forks left at trail marker (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details; Grand Circle stays right (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share stays right on Grand Circle Trail (view SW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Nice views of the Red Rocks Cliffs in the distance (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Watch for car speeding up the Scenic Loop Road (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail crosses the Scenic Loop Road (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail continues straight across the road (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail crosses small washes that might look like trails (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail sign: restoration in progress, stay on trail (view SW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Nice views of the Red Rocks Cliffs in the distance (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
More nice views of the Red Rocks Cliffs in the distance (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share approaching a trail junction (view SW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Familiar signs at the Moenkopi Trail junction (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Sign: note that the Grand Circle goes both ways (view N)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker at Moenkopi Trail junction (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share continues past Moenkopi Trail junction (view NW)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail climbs out of wash bottom (view W)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
At top of bank, trail turns left (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail approaching the weather station (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker (actually a trail counter) (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail approaching a trail junction (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail at trail junction with marker (view S)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details: this side shows Grand Circle Trail going West
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details: other side shows Moenkopi Trail going East
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Passing the trail junction near the weather station (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Final trail junction: stay left to Visitor Center (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker; trail leaves old road (view E)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Trail marker details (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Ride Share Trail approaching the Visitor Center (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi Trail approaching the Visitor Center (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi Trail approaching the Visitor Center (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi Trail approaching the trailhead (view NE)
Ride Share Deluxe Loop Trail
Moenkopi Trail at the trailhead signs (view NE)

Table 1. Hiking Coordinates and Distances based on GPS Data (NAD27; UTM Zone 11S). Download Hiking GPS Waypoints (*.gpx) file.

Wpt. Location UTM Easting UTM Northing Elevation (ft) Point-to-Point Distance (mi) Cumulative Distance (mi)
01 Moenkopi Trailhead 641502 3999882 3,780 0.00 0.00
02 Trail Junction, Old Road 641374 3999808 3,773 0.14 0.14
03 Trail Junction, Grand Circle 641316 3999830 3,743 0.04 0.18
04 Trail Junction, Grand Circle 641399 3999995 3,732 0.14 0.32
05 Trail Junction, Calico 1 640896 4000740 3,910 0.60 0.92
06 Scenic Loop Road 641030 4001195 3,903 0.46 1.38
07 Calico 1 Trailhead 641259 4001094 3,951 0.17 1.55
08 Trail Junction 641716 4000525 3,809 0.46 2.01
09 Trail Junction 641692 4000345 3,790 0.12 2.13
10 Scenic Loop Road 641613 4000270 3,765 0.08 2.21
04 Trail Junction, Grand Circle 641399 3999995 3,732 0.24 2.45
03 Trail Junction, Grand Circle 641316 3999830 3,743 0.13 2.58
02 Trail Junction, Old Road 641374 3999808 3,773 0.04 2.62
01 Moenkopi Trailhead 641502 3999882 3,780 0.14 2.76

Happy Hiking! All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
copyright; Last updated 240804

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