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Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Cactus Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla, upright form, with few main stems

General: Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei) is a confusing species with different growth forms. In the typical form, the cactus is upright with one to several main stems and numerous short stem segments that tend to branch at upward angles. The height usually is to about 4 feet, but it can grow to 7-feet tall. The tubercles are long and narrow. The spines are relatively short (about 3/4-inch long) and in two sets per tubercle: usually 4 longer, upright central spines arranged as an X, and 4 shorter spreading spines. Green stem color clearly evident because of relatively few spines. Flowers usually yellow, to about 1-1/2-inches in diameter. Fruit yellow to red, generally spineless, persistent on the plant.

Whipple Cholla is a locally common component of higher-elevation vegetation communities on well-drained sandy and gravelly soils on flats and upper bajadas in the Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) life zone.

Around Las Vegas, Whipple Cholla is uncommon, but it can be seen along Pine Nut Road and Mormon Well Road in the Desert National Wildlife Range and places eastward (Zion NP, Grand Canyon NP) at higher elevations.

Family: Cactus (Cactaceae)

Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla with long, upright stems look like a buckhorn cholla

Other Names: Plateau Cholla, Opuntia whipplei.

Plant Form: Typically upright, often with one to several main stems. Sometimes prostrate, sometimes bushy and shrub-like.

Height: Usually to about 4 feet (to 7 feet).

Trunk: Usually has a narrow trunk (no larger in diameter than other stem segments).

Stems: Divided into segments; cylindrical. Segments generally less than 5-inches long and about 1-inch in diameter. Typically branching with an upward angle.

Stem Surface: Tuberculated. Tubercles elliptical to elongate, about three times as long as wide (contrast with Silver Cholla, which have shorter, more oval tubercles).

Spines: Usually eight spines per tubercle, set in two ranks. Four longer spines to about 3/4 inches long arranged to form an X; four shorter spines more spreading. Spine sheaths papery, straw to yellowish.

Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla growing prostrate

Glochids: Present, yellow.

Flowers: Blooms late spring and early summer. Inflorescence: solitary flowers at stem tips. Flower: diameter about 1-1/2 inches, yellow to chartreuse.

Fruit: Fleshy, tuberculated, yellow, generally without spines.

Seeds: Few per fruit, small (1/8-inch diameter), tan.

Habitat: Dry, well-drained sandy, gravelly, and rocky soils on flats and upper bajadas into the lower mountains.

Distribution: Southeastern Nevada to Colorado and western New Mexico.

Elevation: About 4,500 to 8,000 feet.

Comments: Hybridizes with other chollas.

Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla with single main stem on brushy flats
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla with several main stems
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla in Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla in Grand Canyon-Parashant National Monument
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla; upright, compact form
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla; upright, compact form; persistent fruits
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Persistent fruits and relatively few spines
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla relatively few spines and long, narrow tubercles
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Longer and shorter spines
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Three long spines arranged as an X; four shorter spines
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla leaves on fresh stem sprouts
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla leaves on fresh stem sprouts
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Green Whipple Cholla flowers
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla flowers
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Green Whipple Cholla flowers and buds
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Red tinged Whipple Cholla flowers
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Green Whipple Cholla flower
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Red tinged Whipple Cholla flowers
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla with developing yellow fruits
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla with yellow fruits.
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla with ripe red fruits. The fruits are spineless
Whipple Cholla (Cylindropuntia whipplei)
Whipple Cholla yellow fruits. The fruits are spineless

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
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