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Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Perennial Forbs Around Las Vegas, Vegetation Around Las Vegas
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)

General: Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum) is a vine with narrow, arrowhead shaped leaves; purple milkweed flowers; and elongate seedpods. The flower petals (corolla lobes) open and spread, the tips do not meet, and the open flower does not look like a closed flower bud. Fruits usually produced signally rather than in pairs, 7-11 cm long. On the flower, the ring at tissue the base of the petals free from filament column appendages.

Hartweg's Twinevine is an uncommon component of desert and upland vegetation communities. It can be found on flats, in and along washes, and on bajadas into the lower mountains in the Lower Sonoran (Creosote-Bursage Flats) and Upper Sonoran (Mojave Desert Scrub and Pinyon-Juniper Woodland) life zones. The species also occurs in disturbed areas, such as along roads.

Family: Milkweed (Asclepiadaceae)

Other Names: Hartweg's Twinevine, Funastrum cynanchoides var. hartwegii, Sarcostemma cynanchoides ssp. hartwegii, Sarcostemma cynanchoides var. hartwegii.

Plant Form: Vine

Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)

Height: Not tall, but grows on other plants

Stems: Narrow, vine.

Leaves: Opposite, elongate, arrowhead shaped, generally without hairs.

Flowers: Purple

Seeds: Produces an elongate seedpod. Individual seeds with long hairs attached.

Habitat: Dry soils on flats, in and along washes, and on bajadas into the lower mountains.

Elevation: To about 4,000 feet

Distribution: California to Texas.


Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed growing on Sweetbush
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed growing on Desert Baccharis
Fringed Twinevine (Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. cynanchoides) Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed growing on Canyon Grape
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed growing on Canyon Grape
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed: thin vines
Fringed Twinevine (Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. cynanchoides)
Fresh leaves at vine tip
Fringed Twinevine (Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. cynanchoides)
Fresh leaves at vine tip
Fringed Twinevine (Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. cynanchoides)
Fresh leaves at vine tip, generally without hairs, elongate
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Mature leaf generally without hairs, elongate
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed with flower buds
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed with flower buds
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Leaves generally without hairs, elongate, arrowhead shaped
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flower buds
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flower buds
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flower buds eaten by insects
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed open flowers
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flower buds and flower
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flower buds and open flower
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flower

Ring at base of petals not fused to filament column appendages
Fringed Twinevine (Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. cynanchoides)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flowers
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed flowers and flower buds from behind
Fringed Twinevine (Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. cynanchoides)
Flowers from behind
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed ripening seedpod
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed ripening seedpod
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed dried seedpod
Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed (Funastrum heterophyllum)
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Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. Names generally follow the USDA database.
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