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Twelve-spotted Skimmer Dragonfly (Libellula pulchella)
Invertebrates Around Las Vegas, Wildlife Around Las Vegas
Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella)

General: Twelve-spotted Skimmer Dragonflies (Libellula pulchella) are active daytime fliers seen over ponds and slow-moving waters around Las Vegas. This species is recognized by the three dark spots on each clear wing (3 spots X 4 wings = Twelve-spotted Skimmer).

These active creatures are harmless to humans, but they are voracious predators of small flying insects such as flies and mosquitoes. The larvae, however, can provide a bit of a bite. There are some good places for Watching Dragonflies Around Las Vegas.

Taxonomy: Order Odonata, Suborder Anisoptera, Family Libellulidae.

Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella) Twelve-spotted Skimmer (Libellula pulchella)

Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
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