General Information: Domestic Sheep (Ovis aries) are medium-sized, white or black-and-white sheep domesticated for the production of wool and meat.
Taxonomy: Order: Artiodactyla (Even-toed Hoofed Mammals); Family: Bovidae (cows, sheep, goats, and similar mammals).
Diet: Vegetation; browse on grasses and forbs.
Where to Find: Don't look for Domestic Sheep around Las Vegas. Rather, look for them on trips to California and other places with climates more moderate than Las Vegas.
Comments: John Muir referred to domestic sheep as "hoofed locust" because of their way of eating everything in their wake. In the southern California desert, I find this to be accurate, and it is not surprising to me that we find few or no desert tortoise in areas where sheep are grazed.
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate. ; Last updated 231229