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What's New on Bird-And-Hike during 2021?
What's New
Date Area Item Comments
Dec 31, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Emory Baccharis Updated photos
Dec 31, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Quailbush Updated photos
Dec 31, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert-Holly Saltbush Updated photos
Dec 31, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Michaux's Sagebrush Updated photos
Dec 31, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Narrowleaf Silverbush Updated photos
Dec 31, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Chaffbush Updated photos
Dec 31, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Woolly Fruit Bur Ragweed Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs White Bursage Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Shockley's Goldenhead Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Non-vascular Liverworts Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Non-vascular Slime Mold Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Non-vascular Moss Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Non-vascular Desert Shaggy Mane Mushrooms Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Non-vascular Stoneworts Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Big Galleta Grass Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Common Reed Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Fluffgrass Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Coastal Sandbur Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Blue Gramma Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Side-oats Gramma Updated photos
Dec 30, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Giant Reed Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Grasses Sand Ricegrass Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Northern Bog Violet Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Charleston Mountain Violet Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Smooth Threadleaf Ragwort Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Woolly Cinquefoil Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Chambers' Twinpod Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Palmer's Phacelia Updated photos
Dec 29, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Charleston Phacelia Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Siler's Penstemon Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Indian Breadroot Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Howard's Evening Primrose Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Smoothstem Blazingstar Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs King Bladderpod Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Nuttall's Linanthus Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Arizona Skyrocket Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Cooper's Rubberweed Updated photos
Dec 28, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Lily Updated photos
Dec 27, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Frasera Updated photos
Dec 27, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Sulphur-flower Buckwheat Updated photos
Dec 27, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Shockley's "Cow-Patty" Buckwheat Updated photos
Dec 27, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Trumpet Updated photos
Dec 27, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Darkthroat Shootingstar Updated photos
Dec 27, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Jimson Weed Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Utah Swallow-Wort (Milkweed) Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs James' Cryptantha Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Mojave Thistle Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Clokey Thistle Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Douglas' Dustymaiden Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Marigold Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Rush Milkweed Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Milkweed Updated photos
Dec 26, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Flatbud Pricklypoppy Updated photos
Dec 25, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Bearpoppy Updated photos
Dec 25, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Las Vegas Bearpoppy Updated photos
Dec 25, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Western Columbine Updated photos
Dec 24, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Valley Ringstem Updated photos
Dec 24, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Prickly Russian Thistle (Tumbleweed) Updated photos
Dec 24, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Hairybeast Turtleback Updated photos
Dec 24, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Velvet Turtleback Updated photos
Dec 24, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Indianwheat (Plantago) Updated photos
Dec 24, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Pedicellate Phacelia Updated photos
Dec 23, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Notch-leaf Phacelia Updated photos
Dec 23, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desertbells Updated photos
Dec 23, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Bigelow's Monkeyflower Updated photos
Dec 23, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Whitestem Blazingstar Updated photos
Dec 23, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Smooth Desert Dandelion Updated photos
Dec 23, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Common Sunflower Updated photos
Dec 23, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Holy Dandelion Updated photos
Dec 22, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Gold Updated photos
Dec 22, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Fivespot Updated photos
Dec 22, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Hairy Prairie Clover Updated photos
Dec 22, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Devil's Spineflower Updated photos
Dec 22, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Brown-eyed Evening-Primrose Updated photos
Dec 21, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Golden Evening-Primrose Updated photos
Dec 21, 2021 Other Annual Newsletter Newsletter for 2021
Dec 20, 2021 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Sand Verbena Updated photos
Dec 20, 2021 Vegetation, Fern Spiny Cliffbrake Updated photos
Dec 20, 2021 Vegetation, Fern Common Maidenhair Fern Updated photos
Dec 19, 2021 Vegetation, Conifer Singleleaf Pinyon Pine Updated photos
Dec 19, 2021 Vegetation, Conifer Ponderosa Pine Updated photos
Dec 19, 2021 Vegetation, Conifer Limber Pine Updated photos
Dec 19, 2021 Vegetation, Conifer California Juniper Updated photos
Dec 19, 2021 Vegetation, Conifer White Fir Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus Tulip Pricklypear Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus Pancake Pricklypear Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus Beavertail Pricklypear Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus Common Fishhook Cactus Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus California Barrel Cactus Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus Desert Spinystar Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus Engelmann's Hedgehog Cactus Updated photos
Dec 18, 2021 Vegetation, Cactus Golden Cholla Updated photos
Dec 17, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Harris Mountain Route Updated photos, text, GPS
Dec 16, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Upper Little Falls Trail Added a new trail
Dec 12, 2021 Backroads, Gold Butte Highway 170 Updated photos
Dec 09, 2021 Backroads, Desert NWR Alamo Road, southbound Updated photos
Dec 09, 2021 Birding, Other Areas Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge Updated photos
Dec 09, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Harris Saddle Trail, Return to Trailhead Updated photos
Dec 09, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Harris Saddle Trail (lower Griffith Peak Trail) Updated photos
Dec 08, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Griffith Peak Trailhead Updated photos
Dec 08, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Harris Mountain Road Updated photos
Dec 07, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Harris Springs Road Updated photos
Dec 07, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Birdsong Trail Updated photos
Dec 07, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Mormon Well Added new photos
Dec 03, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Acastus Trail Updated photos
Dec 03, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Step Ladder Trailhead Updated photos
Dec 03, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Kyle Canyon Road (downhill) Updated photos
Dec 03, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Kyle Canyon Road (uphill) Updated photos
Dec 02, 2021 Backroads, Basin and Range Curtis Canyon Road (northbound) Added new photos
Dec 02, 2021 Backroads, Desert NWR Mormon Well Road Updated photos
Nov 29, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Desert Dry Lake Corral Updated photos
Nov 29, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Desert Dry Lake Dunes Added new photos
Nov 28, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Jackrabbit Trail Added a new ADA trail
Nov 28, 2021 Hiking, Tule Springs Corn Creek Road Trailhead Added a new trailhead
Nov 28, 2021 Backroads, Desert NWR Corn Creek Road Updated photos
Nov 28, 2021 Backroads, Other Areas Highway 95 Updated photos
Nov 28, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range Shooting Gallery Updated text, photos
Nov 27, 2021 Backroads, Other Areas Highway 93 Updated photos
Nov 27, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Red Spring Added new photos (fall colors)
Nov 27, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range Natural Arch Added new photos
Nov 27, 2021 Backroads, Basin and Range Mail Summit Road (northbound) Updated photos
Nov 27, 2021 Backroads, Basin and Range Natural Arch Road Updated photos
Nov 27, 2021 Backroads, Basin and Range Seaman Wash Road (northbound) Updated photos
Nov 27, 2021 Backroads, Gold Butte Mud Wash Shortcut Road (eastbound) Updated photos
Nov 27, 2021 Backroads, Gold Butte Mud Wash Road (eastbound) Updated photos
Nov 26, 2021 Vegetation, Fungus Stalkball Mushrooms Added a new species
Nov 26, 2021 Backroads, Gold Butte Cabin Canyon Road Updated photos
Nov 26, 2021 Backroads, Gold Butte Lime Kiln Canyon Road Updated photos
Nov 26, 2021 Hiking, Tule Springs Durango Drive Trailhead Updated photos
Nov 25, 2021 Backroads, Desert NWR Alamo Road The road has reopened
Nov 10, 2021 Hiking, Tule Springs Aliante Loop Trail Added a new trail
Oct 20, 2021 Birding, Las Vegas Urban Rainbow Owl Preserve Updated photos
Oct 12, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Lower Bristlecone Trailhead Updated photos
Oct 12, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Lee Canyon Road Updated text, photos
Oct 11, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Cathedral Rock Trail, The Descent Added a new page
Oct 11, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Cathedral Rock Trail, Seasonal Falls Added a new page
Oct 11, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Cathedral Rock Trail, Summit Views Added a new page
Oct 11, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Cathedral Rock Trail Updated text, map, photos
Oct 08, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Cathedral Rock Trailhead Updated photos
Oct 07, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Trail Canyon Trailhead Updated text, map, photos
Oct 07, 2021 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Henderson Bird Viewing Preserve Updated text, photos
Oct 07, 2021 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Rainbow Owl Preserve Updated photos
Oct 07, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range Paiute Rock Updated photos
Oct 06, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range Shooting Gallery Updated text, map, photos
Oct 02, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Lovell Canyon Trail Updated text, photos
Oct 02, 2021 Backroads, Basin and Range Curtis Canyon Road -- Southbound Updated photos
Oct 02, 2021 Backroads Highway 93 Updated photos
Oct 02, 2021 Backroads Interstate 15 Updated photos
Oct 02, 2021 Point of Interest, Mt. Charleston Mt. Charleston Visitor Center Updated text, photos
Sep 21, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Acastus Trail Added a new trail
Sep 21, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Kunav Huveep Trail Updated photos
Sep 21, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Pack Rat Trail Updated photos
Sep 21, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Fletcher Canyon Trail Updated photos
Sep 21, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Step Ladder Trailhead Added a new trailhead
Sep 21, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Gravel Pit Trailhead Added a new trailhead
Sep 21, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Lee Canyon Road Updated photos
Sep 20, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Bonanza Trail -- Southbound Updated photos
Sep 20, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Bristlecone Trail Updated text, map, GPS files, photos
Sep 19, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Upper Bristlecone Trailhead Updated photos
Sep 19, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Desert View Overlook Trailhead Updated photos
Sep 19, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Mt. Charleston Overview Added list of trailheads
Sep 19, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Cowboy Trail Rides Trailhead Updated photos
Sep 19, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Genes Trailhead Updated photos
Sep 18, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Red Spring Boardwalk Trail Updated photos
Sep 18, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Red Spring Boardwalk Trailhead Updated photos
Sep 18, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Oak Creek Canyon Trailhead Updated photos
Sep 18, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Willow Springs Loop Trail - Counter-Clockwise Added new photos
Sep 18, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Willow Springs Trailhead Updated photos
Sep 18, 2021 Point of Interest, Red Rock Canyon Willow Spring Picnic Area Updated photos
Sep 18, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Children's Discovery Trail Updated photos
Sep 18, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Lost Creek Trail Updated photos
Sep 17, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Kyle Canyon Road (uphill) Updated photos
Sep 13, 2021 Aircraft, Plane Spotting Plane Spotting Upgraded all photos
Sep 10, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Little Zion Upgraded map
Sep 10, 2021 Hiking, Zion National Park Zion Trail Upgraded all maps
Sep 09, 2021 Hiking, Grand Canyon Hermit-Tonto West-Bright Angel Trails Loop Added a new trail
Sep 09, 2021 Hiking, Grand Canyon Grand Canyon Trails Upgraded all maps
Sep 02, 2021 Hiking, Grand Canyon Tonto East Trail Upgraded all map segments
Aug 31, 2021 Hiking, Zion Zion Trails Upgraded all photos
Aug 30, 2021 Hiking, Grand Canyon Grand Canyon Trails Upgraded all photos
Aug 27, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Monarch Canyon, Cabin Added a new Point of Interest
Aug 27, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Monarch Canyon, Cave Added a new Point of Interest
Aug 27, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Monarch Canyon, Mine Added a new Point of Interest
Aug 27, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Monarch Canyon, Stamp Mill Added a new Point of Interest
Aug 27, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Monarch Canyon Updated text, map, GPS files, photos
Aug 27, 2021 Backroads, Death Valley Monarch Road Added a new road
Aug 25, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon La Madre Spring Trail Updated photos
Aug 24, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Kyle Canyon Road (uphill) Added new photos
Aug 24, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Kyle Canyon Road (downhill) Added new photos
Aug 24, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Deer Creek Road Added new photos, updated text
Aug 23, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Mary Jane Road Added a new road
Aug 23, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Echo Road Added a new road
Aug 23, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Mary Jane Falls Trailhead Updated photos
Aug 23, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Deer Creek Picnic Area Trail Updated photos
Aug 23, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Lower Bristlecone Trailhead Updated photos
Aug 22, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Red Spring Boardwalk Updated text, photos
Aug 22, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Oak Creek Canyon Trailhead Updated photos
Aug 22, 2021 Backroads, Red Rock Canyon Oak Creek Road Updated photos
Aug 22, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Willow Springs Loop Trail Updated photos
Aug 22, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Escarpment (southbound) Updated photos
Aug 22, 2021 Point of Interest, Red Rock Canyon Willow Springs Picnic Area Updated photos
Aug 21, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Petroglyph Wall Trail Updated photos
Aug 21, 2021 Backroads, Red Rock Canyon Willow Spring Road Updated photos
Aug 18, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Raintree Map Updated map
Aug 12, 2021 Birding, Mt. Charleston Deer Creek Updated photos and text
Aug 12, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Deer Creek Trail Added a new trail (accessible)
Aug 09, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Raintree (North Loop Trail to Raintree) Updated photos and text
Aug 09, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston North Loop Trail Updated photos and text
Aug 08, 2021 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Hiking Mojave National Preserve Updated text on many pages
Aug 04, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range NM Paiute Rock Added new photos
Aug 04, 2021 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Hiking Mojave National Preserve Updated photos on all pages
Aug 01, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Ubehebe Crater Added new photos
Aug 01, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Little Hebe Crater Added new photos
Jul 31, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Hiking Death Valley Many photos upgraded
Jul 30, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Hiking Death Valley Many photos upgraded
Jul 29, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Hiking Death Valley Many photos upgraded
Jul 28, 2021 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Favorite Places Far Away Most pages and maps updated
Jul 26, 2021 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Patagonia Area Birding Updated text, photos, maps
Jul 24, 2021 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Madera Canyon Maps Updated maps
Jul 24, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Common Mullein Updated text, photos
Jul 23, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Petroglyphs-6 Updated photos
Jul 23, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Petroglyphs-7 Updated photos
Jul 22, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Virgin River Thistle Added s new plant species
Jul 22, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Little Finland Added new photos
Jul 21, 2021 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Lava Tube Updated photos
Jul 21, 2021 Backroads, Mojave National Preserve Aiken Mine Road Updated photos
Jul 21, 2021 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Teutonia Peak Updated text, photos
Jul 21, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Falling Man Updated text, photos
Jul 21, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Falling Man - Return Added new photos
Jul 20, 2021 Backroads, Other Areas Badger Valley Road (south and eastbound) Added new photos
Jul 20, 2021 Backroads, Other Areas Badger Valley Road (west and northbound) Added new photos
Jul 20, 2021 Backroads, Desert NWR Deadhorse Road Updated photos
Jul 20, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Desert Dry Lake Dunes Updated photos
Jul 20, 2021 Wildlife, Mammals Long-tailed Pocket Mouse Added new photos
Jul 20, 2021 Wildlife, Mammals Merriam's Kangaroo Rat Added new photos
Jul 20, 2021 Wildlife, Mammals Desert Kangaroo Rat Added new photos
Jul 20, 2021 Petroglyphs, Desert NWR Petroglyphs Added new photos
Jul 19, 2021 Backroads, Basin and Range NM Curtis Canyon Road Updated photos
Jul 18, 2021 Wildlife, Birds Bronzed Cowbird Added a new bird species
Jul 18, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Fletcher Canyon Trail Updated photos
Jul 18, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Fletcher Canyon Trailhead Updated photos, maps, GPS
Jul 18, 2021 Backroads, Mt. Charleston Kyle Canyon Road Updated photos, maps, GPS
Jul 18, 2021 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Rainbow Owl Preserve Added a new page
Jul 17, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Stanley B Springs Trail Added new photos
Jul 17, 2021 Petroglyphs, Valley of Fire Atlatl Rock Updated photos
Jul 17, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range Shaman Knob Updated photos
Jul 17, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range Shaman Hill Updated photos
Jul 17, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Hidden Forest Trail Updated photos
Jul 17, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Hidden Forest Road Updated photos
Jul 15, 2021 Point of Interest, Desert NWR Railroad Tie Cabin Added new Point of Interest
Jul 15, 2021 Point of Interest, Desert NWR Pahrump Poolfish Refugium Added new Point of Interest
Jul 15, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Corn Creek, Bighorn Trail Updated photos
Jul 15, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Corn Creek, Coyote Trail Updated photos
Jul 14, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Corn Creek Visitor Center Updated photos
Jul 14, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Corn Creek Road Updated photos
Jul 14, 2021 Point of Interest, Gold Butte NM Whitney Pocket Day-Use Parking Added new Point of Interest
Jul 13, 2021 Geology, Fossils Fossil Corals Added new photos
Jul 13, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM 21 Goats Updated photos
Jul 13, 2021 Point of Interest, Gold Butte NM Petroglyphs-5 Added new photos
Jul 13, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Whitney Wash Updated text, map, GPS files, photos
Jul 12, 2021 Wildlife, Birds Western Tanager Updated text, photos
Jul 12, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs (weeds) Horehound Updated text, photos
Jul 11, 2021 Wildlife, Lizards Common Chuckwalla Added new photos
Jul 11, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Knoll Trail Northbound Updated photos
Jul 11, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Pine Creek Trail Updated photos
Jul 11, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Pine Creek Trailhead Updated photos
Jul 10, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Cowboy Trailhead Updated photos
Jul 10, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Kraft Mountain Trailhead Updated photos
Jul 10, 2021 Birding, Red Rock Canyon Spring Mountain Ranch State Park Updated text, photos
Jul 10, 2021 Point of Interest, Gold Butte NM Ney's Sign at Juanita Springs Updated text, photos
Jul 10, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon Calico 2 Trailhead Updated photos
Jul 10, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Darwin Falls Trail Added a new trail
Jul 09, 2021 Hiking, Death Valley Darwin Falls Road Added a new backroad
Jul 06, 2021 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Hairyfruit Valerian Added a new species
Jul 05, 2021 Hiking, Basin and Range Shooting Gallery Updated text, photos
Jul 05, 2021 Point of Interest, Basin and Range Logan Townsite Updated text, photos
Jul 01, 2021 Point of Interest, Basin and Range Rosie's Mining Cabin Updated photos
Jun 27, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Hidden Forest Trail Updated text, photos
Jun 27, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Wiregrass Spring Updated text, photos
Jun 27, 2021 Hiking, Desert NWR Hidden Forest Cabin Area Updated text, photos
Jun 26, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Stanley B Springs Trail Updated text, map, GPS files, photos
Jun 26, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Stanley B Springs Trailhead Updated text, map, GPS files, photos
Jun 22, 2021 Hiking, Red Rock Canyon NCA Cottonwood Valley - Two Springs Loop Trail Updated photos
Jun 22, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Tramp Mine Trail Added a new trail
Jun 22, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Tramp Mine Debris, Inside the Mine Added new photos
Jun 22, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Tramp Mine Debris, Outside the Mine Added new photos
Jun 22, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Tramp Mine Trail Down Added a new trail
Jun 20, 2021 Backroads, Gold Butte NM Tramp Mine Road Updated text, map, GPS files, photos
Jun 19, 2021 Hiking, Gold Butte NM Million Hills Wash Updated text, maps, GPS files
Jun 18, 2021 Point of Interest, Gold Butte NM Gold Butte Townsite Lower Mines Updated photos
Jun 17, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Pack Rat Trail -- Clockwise Added a new trail
Jun 17, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Kunav Huveep Trail Added new photos
Jun 17, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Escarpment Loop Trail -- Clockwise Added a new trail
Jun 13, 2021 Birding, Mt. Charleston Stanley B Spring Birding Updated text, map, photos
Jun 13, 2021 Hiking, Mt. Charleston Stanley B Spring Trail Updated text, map, photos
May 15, 2021 Hiking, Other Areas Weiser Bowl Updated text, maps, GPS files
Jan 02, 2021 Vegetation, Deciduous Trees Fremont's Cottonwood Updated photos, text
Jan 02, 2021 Vegetation, Shrubs Ashy Silktassel Updated photos, text

Past revision history: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 (no update records for 2008 to 2002).
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
notice; Last updated 240906

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