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Date Area Item Comments
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs   Updated text, photos
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs   Updated text, photos
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs   Updated text, photos
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs   Updated text, photos
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Anderson's Desert-thorn Updated text, photos
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Grooved Heermann's Buckwheat Updated text, photos
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mojave Rabbitbrush Updated text, photos
Sep 15, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Rubber Rabbitbrush Updated text, photos
Sep 14, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Blackbrush Updated text, photos
Sep 14, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fernbush Updated text, photos
Sep 14, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Pungent Brickellbush Updated text, photos
Sep 14, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Sweetbush Updated text, photos
Sep 14, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Broom Baccharis Added a new species
Sep 14, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Baccharis Updated text
Sep 13, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mule Fat (Seep Willow) Updated text, photos
Sep 13, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Emory Baccharis Updated text
Sep 13, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Quailbush Updated text, photos
Sep 13, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert-Holly Saltbush Updated text, photos
Sep 13, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Big Sagebrush Updated text, photos
Sep 13, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Black Sagebrush Updated text, photos
Sep 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Yuma Silverbush Updated text, photos
Sep 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fir Dwarf Mistletoe Updated text, photos
Sep 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Utah Serviceberry Updated text, photos
Sep 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs White Bursage Updated text, photos
Sep 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Woolly Fruit Bur Ragweed Updated text, photos
Sep 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Iodinebush Updated text, photos
Sep 11, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Common Mediterranean Grass Updated text, photos
Sep 11, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Big Galleta Grass Updated text, photos
Sep 11, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Fountain Grass Updated text, photos
Sep 11, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Saltgrass Updated text, photos
Sep 11, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Fluffgrass Updated text, photos
Sep 11, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Side-oats Gramma Updated text, photos
Sep 11, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Purple Threeawn Updated text
Sep 09, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Common Mullein Updated text, photos
Sep 09, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Heartleaf Twistflower Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Silverleaf Nightshade Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Stiff Blue-eyed Grass Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Dwarf Phlox Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Mat Rockspirea Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Rock Goldenrod Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Roundleaf Oxytheca Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Clustered Broom-rape Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Desert Broom-rape Updated text, photos
Sep 08, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Longstem Evening Primrose Updated text, photos
Sep 07, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Watercress Updated text, photos
Sep 07, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Smoothstem Blazingstar Updated text, photos
Sep 07, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials King Bladderpod Updated text, photos
Sep 07, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Utah Vine Milkweed Updated text, photos
Sep 07, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Hartweg's Climbing Milkweed Updated text, photos
Sep 07, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Virgin River Cryptantha Updated text, photos
Sep 06, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Bastard Toadflax Updated text, photos
Sep 06, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Arizona Thistle Updated text, photos
Sep 06, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Fendler's Sandmat Updated text, photos
Sep 06, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Spreading Dogbane Updated text, photos
Sep 06, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials King's Angelica Updated text
Sep 06, 2024 Vegetation, Perennials Charleston Mountain Angelica Updated text
Sep 05, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Velvet Turtleback Updated text, photos
Sep 05, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Whitestem Blazingstar Updated text, photos
Sep 05, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Arizona Lupine Updated text, photos
Sep 05, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Strigose Bird's-foot Trefoil Updated text, photos
Sep 05, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Woolly Easterbonnets Updated text, photos
Sep 05, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Soft Prairie Clover Updated text, photos
Sep 04, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Wingnut Cryptantha Updated text, photos
Sep 04, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Brown-eyed Evening-Primrose Updated text, photos
Sep 03, 2024 Vegetation, Conifers Common Juniper Added new photos
Sep 02, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Buckhorn Cholla Added new photos
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Birding the Mono Lake Area Updated text, maps
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Mono Lake County Park Boardwalk Trail Updated text, photos, maps
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Mono Lake, South Tufa Towers Trail Updated text, photos, maps
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Mono Lake, Getting to South Tufa Trail Added a new road
Aug 31, 2024 Birding, Pahranagat NWR Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge Updated photos
Aug 31, 2024 Glossary Cattle Guard Added new photos
Aug 31, 2024 Hiking, Basin and Range NM Dave Deacon Campground Updated text, photos
Aug 30, 2024 Backroads, Highways Highway 93 Northbound Added new photos
Aug 10, 2024 Area Overviews Death Valley National Park - Area Overview Updated text
Aug 10, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Species Narrowleaf Cattail Updated text, photos
Aug 10, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Blue Gramma Updated text, photos
Aug 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-chinned Hummingbird Updated text
Aug 10, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Rainbow Spring Trailhead Updated photos
Aug 04, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Ride Share Deluxe Loop Added a new hike
Jul 29, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Upper Desert Cave Updated photos
Jul 28, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Siberian Elm Added a new species
Jul 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Longspine Horsebrush Added a new species
Jul 28, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Netleaf Hackbury Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Cattle Saltbush Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Indianwheat Added new text
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Woolly Plantain Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Buffalo Gourd Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Bitterbrush Added a new species
Jul 26, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Arroyo Willow Added a new species
Jul 26, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Nevada Goldenrod Added a new species
Jul 26, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Peach Thorn Added a new species
Jul 25, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Longstem Evening Primrose Added a new species
Jul 25, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Tall Evening Primrose Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Turpentine Bush Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Yellow Rabbitbrush Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fir Dwarf Mistletoe Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Pinyon Dwarf Mistletoe Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Limber Pine Dwarf Mistletoe Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Summer Tanager Updated text
Jul 23, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Calico Hills: Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1 Added a new hike
Jul 22, 2024 Hiking, Gold Butte Whitney Wash Updated photos, text
Jul 21, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Golden Stonefly Added a new species
Jul 21, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Creosote Bush Bagworm Added a new species
Jul 21, 2024 Vegetation, Conifer One-Seed Juniper Updated photos, text
Jul 21, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Velvet Ash Updated photos, text
Jul 20, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Singleleaf Ash Updated photos, text
Jul 20, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Barbedwire Russian Thistle Updated photos, text
Jul 20, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Prickly Russian Thistle Updated photos, text
Jul 19, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks First Creek Trailhead Updated photos
Jul 19, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks South Oak Creek Trail Updated photos
Jul 19, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Handprints Trail Updated photos
Jul 16, 2024 Glossary Cattle Guard Added new photos
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Mt Charleston Harris Mountain Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Mosaic Canyon Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Zinc Hill Route Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Death Valley Buttes Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Telescope Peak Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Trail Map Updated map
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Trail Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Road Trail Map Updated map
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Road Trail Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 13, 2024 Backroad, Red Rock Canyon Ninetynine Mine Road Updated text, GPS
Jul 11, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Western White Clematis Updated text
Jul 11, 2024 Hiking, Desert NWR Hayford Peak Updated photos, text
Jul 08, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead Arizona Hot Spring -- White Rock Canyon Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Snakes Shovel-nosed Snake Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Mammals Muskrat Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-crowned Night-Heron Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cassin's Finch Updated text
Jul 01, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Utah Yucca Updated photos

Past revision history: 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 (no update records for 2008 to 2002).
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
notice; Last updated 240915

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