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What's New on Bird-And-Hike?
What's New
Date Area Item Comments
Sep 04, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Wingnut Cryptantha Updated text, photos
Sep 04, 2024 Vegetation, Annuals Brown-eyed Evening-Primrose Updated text, photos
Sep 03, 2024 Vegetation, Conifers Common Juniper Added new photos
Sep 02, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Buckhorn Cholla Added new photos
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Birding the Mono Lake Area Updated text, maps
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Mono Lake County Park Boardwalk Trail Updated text, photos, maps
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Mono Lake, South Tufa Towers Trail Updated text, photos, maps
Sep 02, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places Far Away Mono Lake, Getting to South Tufa Trail Added a new road
Aug 31, 2024 Birding, Pahranagat NWR Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge Updated photos
Aug 31, 2024 Glossary Cattle Guard Added new photos
Aug 31, 2024 Hiking, Basin and Range NM Dave Deacon Campground Updated text, photos
Aug 30, 2024 Backroads, Highways Highway 93 Northbound Added new photos
Aug 10, 2024 Area Overviews Death Valley National Park - Area Overview Updated text
Aug 10, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Species Narrowleaf Cattail Updated text, photos
Aug 10, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Blue Gramma Updated text, photos
Aug 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-chinned Hummingbird Updated text
Aug 10, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Rainbow Spring Trailhead Updated photos
Aug 04, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Ride Share Deluxe Loop Added a new hike
Jul 29, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Upper Desert Cave Updated photos
Jul 28, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Siberian Elm Added a new species
Jul 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Longspine Horsebrush Added a new species
Jul 28, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Netleaf Hackbury Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Cattle Saltbush Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Indianwheat Added new text
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Woolly Plantain Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Buffalo Gourd Added a new species
Jul 27, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Bitterbrush Added a new species
Jul 26, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Arroyo Willow Added a new species
Jul 26, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Nevada Goldenrod Added a new species
Jul 26, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Peach Thorn Added a new species
Jul 25, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Longstem Evening Primrose Added a new species
Jul 25, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Tall Evening Primrose Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Turpentine Bush Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Yellow Rabbitbrush Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fir Dwarf Mistletoe Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Pinyon Dwarf Mistletoe Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Limber Pine Dwarf Mistletoe Added a new species
Jul 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Summer Tanager Updated text
Jul 23, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Calico Hills: Sandstone Quarry to Calico 1 Added a new hike
Jul 22, 2024 Hiking, Gold Butte Whitney Wash Updated photos, text
Jul 21, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Golden Stonefly Added a new species
Jul 21, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Creosote Bush Bagworm Added a new species
Jul 21, 2024 Vegetation, Conifer One-Seed Juniper Updated photos, text
Jul 21, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Velvet Ash Updated photos, text
Jul 20, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Singleleaf Ash Updated photos, text
Jul 20, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Barbedwire Russian Thistle Updated photos, text
Jul 20, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Prickly Russian Thistle Updated photos, text
Jul 19, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks First Creek Trailhead Updated photos
Jul 19, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks South Oak Creek Trail Updated photos
Jul 19, 2024 Hiking, Red Rocks Handprints Trail Added new photos
Jul 16, 2024 Glossary Cattle Guard Added new photos
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Mt Charleston Harris Mountain Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Mosaic Canyon Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Zinc Hill Route Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Death Valley Buttes Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Telescope Peak Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Trail Map Updated map
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Trail Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Road Trail Map Updated map
Jul 16, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Rogers Peak Road Trail Elevation Profile Updated elevation profile
Jul 13, 2024 Backroad, Red Rock Canyon Ninetynine Mine Road Updated text, GPS
Jul 11, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Western White Clematis Updated text
Jul 11, 2024 Hiking, Desert NWR Hayford Peak Updated photos, text
Jul 08, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead Arizona Hot Spring -- White Rock Canyon Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Snakes Shovel-nosed Snake Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Mammals Muskrat Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-crowned Night-Heron Updated text
Jul 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cassin's Finch Updated text
Jul 01, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Utah Yucca Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Spanish Bayonet Yucca Updated photos, text
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Grass Common Reed Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Eastern Joshua Tree Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Banana Yucca Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Yuccas Beargrass Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Narrowleaf Willow Updated photos
Jun 30, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Gambel Oak Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Tree Tobacco Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Russian Olive Updated photos, text
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Boxelder Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Catclaw Acacia Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mojave Woodyaster Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Parish's Goldeneye Updated photos, text
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Princesplume Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Blue Elderberry Updated photos
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mojave Sage Updated photos, text
Jun 29, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Purple Sage Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Bitterbrush Updated text
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Dalea Updated text
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Whitestem Paperflower Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Almond Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Bush Arrowleaf Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Schott's Pygmycedar Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Wild Crab Apple Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Tobacco Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Utah Mortonia Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Spiny Menodora Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Mahonia Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Desert Peppergrass Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Updated photos
Jun 28, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Matchweed Updated photos
Jun 27, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Threadleaf Snakeweed Updated photos, text
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Spiny Hopsage Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Yucca Buckwheat Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Panamint Mountains Buckwheat Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Nevada Jointfir Updated photos
Jun 25, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Death Valley Jointfir Updated photos
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs California Jointfir Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Littleleaf Mountain Mahogany Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Littleleaf Brickellbush Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Mistletoes Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Fremont's Chaffbush Updated photos, text
Jun 24, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Cooper's Dogweed Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Prairie Junegrass Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Squirreltail Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Bermudagrass Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Coastal Sandbur Updated photos
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Cheatgrass Updated photos
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Grasses Desert Needlegrass Updated photos, text
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Water Speedwell Updated photos
Jun 23, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Small Wirelettuce Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Willow Dock Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Chambers' Twinpod Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Indian Breadroot Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs California Evening Primrose Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Watercress Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Seep Monkeyflower Updated photos, text
Jun 22, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Alpine Biscuitroot Updated photos
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Skeletonweed Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Jimson Weed Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs New Mexico Thistle Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Fendler's Sandmat Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Whitemargin Sandmat Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Woolly Desert Marigold Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Desert Marigold Updated photos, text
Jun 21, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Clokey Egg Milkvetch Updated photos
Jun 20, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Minthorn's Milkvetch Updated photos
Jun 20, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Spreading Dogbane Updated photos
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs King's Angelica Updated photos
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Puncturevine Updated photos
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Barbedwire Russian Thistle Added a new species
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Prickly Russian Thistle Updated photos, text
Jun 19, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Chicory Updated photos, text
Jun 17, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Velvet Turtleback Updated photos, text
Jun 17, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Indianwheat Updated photos, text
Jun 17, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Daisy Desertstar Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs African Mustard Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Halogeton, Saltlover Updated photos
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Flix Weed Mustard Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Desert Dodder Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Devil's Spineflower Updated photos, text
Jun 16, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Bristly Fiddleneck Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Ferns Cochise Scaly Cloak Fern Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Ferns Common Maidenhair Fern Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Conifers Common Juniper Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Conifers Arizona Cypress Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Graham's Nipple Cactus Updated photos
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus California Barrel Cactus Updated photos, text
Jun 15, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Cottontop Cactus Updated photos, text
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Teddybear Cholla Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Cactus Saguaro Updated photos, text
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Plants Broadleaf Cattail Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Plants Southern Cattail Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Vegetation, Aquatic Plants Alkali Mariposa Lily Updated photos
Jun 14, 2024 Birding, Outside Las Vegas Torrance Ranch Preserve Updated photos
Jun 13, 2024 Hiking, Gold Butte NM White Rock Road Updated photos
Jun 13, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Wetlands Loop Trail Updated photos, text, map
Jun 13, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA Birding the Wetlands Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 12, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Northshore Mile 1.2 (Wetlands) Trailhead Updated photos, text, map
Jun 12, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA Las Vegas Wash Scenic Overlook Updated photos, text
Jun 12, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA 33 Hole Picnic Area Updated photos
Jun 12, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA White Owl Canyon Trail Updated photos
Jun 10, 2024 Backroads, Gold Butte Cabin Canyon Road Updated photos
Jun 10, 2024 Hiking, Gold Butte Little Finland Updated photos
Jun 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Rustler Park Updated photos, text
Jun 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Jasper Feeders Added a new birding location
Jun 07, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Portal Town Updated photos, text
Jun 07, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Rodrigues Feeders Updated photos, text
Jun 07, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Cave Creek Ranch Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: South Fork Road and Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Portal AZ: Southwestern Research Station Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM Hiko Canyon Trail Updated photos
Jun 05, 2024 Petroglyphs, Lake Mead Grapevine Canyon Petroglyphs Updated photos, text
Jun 05, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Updated text
Jun 05, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Canyon Grape Updated text
Jun 04, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Grapevine Canyon Petroglyph Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 03, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA 33 Hole Picnic Area Updated photos, text, map
Jun 03, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA White Owl Canyon Updated photos, text
Jun 03, 2024 Geology Conglomerate Rocks Updated text
Jun 02, 2024 Birding, Lake Mead NRA Birding the Wetlands Trail Updated photos, text
Jun 02, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Wetlands Trail Updated photos, text, map
Jun 02, 2024 Petroglyphs, Lake Mead Area Keyhole Canyon Updated photos
Jun 02, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM El Dorado Wagon Road Trail Added a new trail
Jun 01, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM Walking Box Road Added a new road
Jun 01, 2024 Birding, Urban Las Vegas Duck Creek Trailhead Updated photos
Jun 01, 2024 Hiking, Wilderness Areas Wee Thump Corral Updated photos
Jun 01, 2024 Backroads, Wilderness Areas Wee Thump East Road Updated photos
Jun 01, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Backroads, Lake Mead NRA Nevada Telephone Cove Road Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Hassayampa River Preserve Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Anniversary Mine Road Updated photos, text
May 25, 2024 Glossary Cattle Guard Updated photos, text
May 15, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Bowl of Fire - Southwest Loop Added a new route
May 15, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead NRA Bowl of Fire - Southwest Updated photos, text
May 12, 2024 Backroads, Lake Mead NRA Callville Wash North Road Updated photos
May 12, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Updated text
May 12, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Carrion Beetles Updated photos, text
May 11, 2024 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Giant Ledge Mine Trail, Caruthers Canyon Updated photos, text
May 11, 2024 Hiking, Mojave National Preserve Caruthers Canyon Updated photos, text
May 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Madera Canyon Updated photos, text
May 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Patagonia Roadside Rest Area Updated photos, text
May 09, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Patagonia-Sonoita Creek Preserve Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Paton Center for Hummingbirds Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Cochise Lakes, Wilcox Playa Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away San Pedro Riparian NCA Updated photos, text
May 08, 2024 Birding, Favorite Places far Away Birding Around Chiricahua Nat Mon Updated photos, text
Mar 31, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Globe Mallow Bee Added a new species
Mar 20, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Western Tent Moth Added a new species
Mar 13, 2024 Vegetation, Perennial Forbs Bristly Fiddleneck Updated text
Mar 09, 2024 Wildlife, Amphibians Great Basin Spadefoot Toad Updated text
Mar 09, 2024 Vegetation, Shrubs Creosote Bush Updated text
Mar 09, 2024 Vegetation, Trees Little-leaved Palo Verde Updated text
Mar 05, 2024 Hiking, Gold Butte Ney's Sign Added new photos
Mar 04, 2024 Death Valley National Park Area Overview Updated text
Mar 02, 2024 General Information Using GPS Data to Calculate Position, Calculate Distance, and Draw Maps Updated text, figures
Feb 28, 2024 Wildlife, Mammals Grizzly Bear Added new photos
Feb 28, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM Loran Station Road Updated Waypoints Table
Feb 27, 2024 Wildlife, Mammals Red Fox Added new photos
Feb 27, 2024 Hiking Gold Butte Gold Butte Road Updated photos
Feb 22, 2024 Hiking, Avi Kwa Ame NM Walking Box Ranch Updated photos
Feb 21, 2024 Hiking, So. McCullough Wilderness Wee Thump Overlook Route Updated photos
Feb 21, 2024 Hiking, Death Valley Gower Gulch Miner's Trail Updated photos
Feb 21, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Horsehair Worms Updated photos
Feb 20, 2024 Vegetation, Annual Forbs Black Mustard Updated photos
Feb 20, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Gastropods Updated photos
Feb 18, 2024 Hiking, Lake Mead White Rock Canyon Trailhead Updated photos, text
Feb 15, 2024 Postcards from My Travels Coyote Gulch Updated photos
Feb 15, 2024 Aircraft NASA WB-57F Canberra Updated photos
Feb 15, 2024 Aircraft U-2S Surveillance Aircraft Updated photos
Feb 15, 2024 Aircraft Transport Aircraft Updated photos
Feb 15, 2024 Aircraft Thunderbirds Updated photos
Feb 15, 2024 Aircraft Refueling Tankers Updated photos
Feb 15, 2024 Aircraft Historic Military Aircraft Updated photos
Feb 15, 2024 Aircraft Military Helicopters Updated photos
Feb 14, 2024 Aircraft F-22 Raptor Jet Fighter Updated photos
Feb 14, 2024 Aircraft F/A-18D Hornet Jet Fighter Updated photos
Feb 14, 2024 Aircraft F-16 Fighting Falcon Jet Fighter Updated photos
Feb 14, 2024 Aircraft F-15 Eagle Jet Fighter Updated photos
Feb 14, 2024 Aircraft F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter Updated photos
Feb 14, 2024 Aircraft Foreign Jet Fighters Updated photos
Feb 14, 2024 Aircraft EA-6 Prowler Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft E-3 Sentry AWACS Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft Drones Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft C-130 Hercules Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft B-52H Stratofortress Bomber Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft B2 Stealth Bomber Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft B-1B Lancer Bomber Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft A-10 Thunderbolt II (Warthog) Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft Fire Fighting Aircraft Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft Municipal Planes Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft Janet Airlines Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft Municipal Helicopters Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft Civilian Helicopters Updated photos
Feb 13, 2024 Aircraft Gliders Updated photos
Feb 11, 2024 General Information Wire Fence Gates Updated photos
Feb 11, 2024 General Information Climbing Difficulty Ratings Updated photos
Feb 11, 2024 General Information Leave-No-Trace Food Storage Updated photos
Feb 11, 2024 General Information Leave-No-Trace Campsites Updated photos
Feb 11, 2024 Wildlife, Snakes Recovery from a Snake Bite Updated photos
Feb 10, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Snakeflies Updated photos
Feb 10, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Short-horn Walkingsticks Updated photos
Feb 10, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Camel Crickets Updated photos
Feb 10, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Red-shanked Grasshopper Updated photos
Feb 10, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spotted Spreadwing Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 10, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Great Spreadwing Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Damselfly Larvae Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Western Forktail Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black-fronted Forktail Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Pacific Forktail Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Forktail Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Familiar Bluet Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Tule Bluet Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Boreal Bluet Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Vivid Dancer Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Blue-ringed Dancer Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 09, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Aztec Dancer Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Powdered Dancer Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Kiowa Dancer Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Dancer Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates American Rubyspot Damselfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Red Saddlebags Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black Saddlebags Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Band-winged Meadowhawk Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Striped Meadowhawk Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Variegated Meadowhawk Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Mexican Amberwing Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spot-winged Glider Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Blue Dasher Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Flame Skimmer Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Widow Skimmer Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Eight-spotted Skimmer Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 08, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Bleached Skimmer Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Comanche Skimmer Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Western Pondhawk Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Pale-faced Clubskimmer Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Red-tailed Pennant Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Gray Sanddagon Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates White-belted Ringtail Dragonfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Blue-eyed Darner Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Common Green Darner Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Antlion Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Green Lacewing Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Mantid Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Pine White Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Marbles Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Sleepy Orange Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Clodius Parnassian Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black Swallowtail Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Pipevine Swallowtail Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Painted Lady Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates West Coast Lady Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Zephyr Anglewing Butterflies Updated photos
Feb 07, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Tortoiseshell Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Common Buckeye Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Patch Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Texan Crescent Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Arizona Sister Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Weidemeyer's Admiral Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Lorquin's Admiral Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Zerene Fritillary Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Monarch Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Queen Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Gray Hairstreak Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Shasta Blue Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Marine Blue Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spring Mountains Icarioides Blue Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spring Azure Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Western Pygmy-Blue Butterfly Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates White-lined Sphinx Moth Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Prominent Moths Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Owlet Moths Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Tussock Moths Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Grizzled Skipper Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Mojave Sootywing Skipper Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Northern White-Skipper Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Meridian Duskywing Skippers Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Thread-waisted Wasps Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black-and-Yellow Mud Dauber Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Scoliid Wasp Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Velvet Ants Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Golden Velvet Ant Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Magnificent Velvet Ant Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates White Velvet Ant Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Leaf-cutter Bees Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Chalcid Wasp Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates California Carpenter Bee Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Honey Bee Updated photos
Feb 05, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Mining Bees Updated photos
Feb 04, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Creeping Water Bug Updated photos
Feb 04, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Small Milkweed Bug Updated photos
Feb 04, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Water Strider Updated photos
Feb 04, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Big-Eyed Toad Bug Updated photos
Feb 04, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Planthoppers Updated photos
Feb 04, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Cicada Updated photos
Feb 04, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Hover Flies Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black Flies Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Bee Fly Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Bee-like Robber Fly Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Robber Flies Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Earwigs Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Darkling Beetles Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Winged Darkling Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Hairy Darkling Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Ironclad Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Shining Leaf Chafer Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Chafing Beetles Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Flattened Blister Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Blister Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Inflated Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Fireflies Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Whirligig Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Regal Earth-Boring Dung Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Water Beetles Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates True Weevils Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Convergent Lady Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Longhorn Beetles Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Palo Verde Root Borer Beetle Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Centipedes Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Sowbug Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Red Swamp Crayfish Updated photos
Feb 02, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Tadpole Shrimp Updated photos
Feb 01, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Fairy Shrimp Updated photos
Feb 01, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Clam Shrimp Updated photos
Feb 01, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Giant Desert Hairy Scorpion Updated photos
Feb 01, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Spider Holes Updated photos
Feb 01, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Mojave Tarantula Updated photos
Feb 01, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Desert Tarantula Updated photos
Jan 27, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Crab Spiders Updated photos
Jan 27, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Black Widow Updated photos
Jan 27, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Wolf Spiders Updated photos
Jan 27, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Garden Spiders Updated photos
Jan 27, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Trashline Orbweaver Spiders Updated photos
Jan 27, 2024 Wildlife, Invertebrates Velvet Mite Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red Crossbill Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Purple Finch Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pine Siskin Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lesser Goldfinch Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lawrence's Goldfinch Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds House Finch Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cassin's Finch Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Goldfinch Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Meadowlark Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Scott's Oriole Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-winged Blackbird Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Hooded Oriole Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Great-tailed Grackle Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Grackle Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bullock's Oriole Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Boat-tailed Grackle Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brewer's Blackbird Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brown-headed Cowbird Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Yellow Grosbeak Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Tanager Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pyrrhuloxia Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Painted Bunting Updated photos
Jan 26, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Cardinal Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lazuli Bunting Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Indigo Bunting Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Blue Grosbeak Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-headed Grosbeak Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Yellow-eyed Junco Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-throated Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-crowned Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Vesper Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Savannah Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Spotted Towhee Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Song Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 25, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sagebrush Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lincoln's Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lark Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Harris's Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Green-tailed Towhee Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Golden-crowned Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Fox Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Dark-eyed Junco Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Canyon Towhee Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Chipping Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds California Towhee Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-throated Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brewer's Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bell's Sparrow Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Abert's Towhee Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Yellow-throated Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Yellow Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wilson's Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Virginia's Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Townsend's Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Palm Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Painted Redstart Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Orange-crowned Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Parula Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds MacGillivray's Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lucy's Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Hermit Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Grace's Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Yellowthroat Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-and-White Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-throated Gray Warbler Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Phainopepla Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cedar Waxwing Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Pipit Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds European Starling Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sage Thrasher Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Mockingbird Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds LeConte's Thrasher Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gray Catbird Updated photos
Jan 24, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Crissal Thrasher Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Curve-billed Thrasher Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brown Thrasher Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bendire's Thrasher Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Bluebird Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Varied Thrush Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Townsend's Solitaire Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mountain Bluebird Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Hermit Thrush Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Eastern Bluebird Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Robin Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ruby-crowned Kinglet Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Golden-crowned Kinglet Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Dipper Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-tailed Gnatcatcher Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pacific Wren Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Rock Wren Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Marsh Wren Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds House Wren Updated photos
Jan 23, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cactus Wren Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Canyon Wren Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Carolina Wren Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bewick's Wren Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brown Creeper Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-breasted Nuthatch Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-breasted Nuthatch Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pygmy Nuthatch Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brown-headed Nuthatch Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bushtit Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Verdin Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Tufted Titmouse Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Oak Titmouse Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mountain Chickadee Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Juniper Titmouse Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Chestnut-backed Chickadee Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Carolina Chickadee Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bridled Titmouse Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-crested Titmouse Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-capped Chickadee Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Violet-green Swallow Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Tree Swallow Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Rough-winged Swallow Updated photos
Jan 22, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Purple Martin Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cliff Swallow Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bank Swallow Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Barn Swallow Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Horned Lark Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Steller's Jay Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pinyon Jay Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northwestern Crow Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mexican Jay Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-throated Magpie Jay Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Canada Jay Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Florida Scrub-Jay Updated photos
Jan 20, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Fish Crow Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Raven Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Clark's Nutcracker Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Chihuahuan Raven Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Blue Jay Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-billed Magpie Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Crow Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-eyed Vireo Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Warbling Vireo Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Plumbeous Vireo Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gray Vireo Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cassin's Vireo Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Blue-headed Vireo Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Loggerhead Shrike Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Wood-Pewee Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Willow Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Kingbird Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Vermilion Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Tufted Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Olive-sided Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Hammond's Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gray Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Great Crested Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Empidonax Flycatchers Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Eastern Phoebe Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Eastern Kingbird Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Dusky Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cassin's Kingbird Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black Phoebe Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brown-crested Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Buff-breasted Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 19, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ash-throated Flycatcher Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Williamson's Sapsucker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-headed Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-naped Sapsucker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-headed Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-bellied Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-breasted Sapsucker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pileated Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Flicker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lewis's Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 18, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ladder-backed Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Hairy Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gila Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gilded Flicker Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Downy Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-backed Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Arizona Woodpecker Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Belted Kingfisher Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Elegant Trogon Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Rufous Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Magnificent Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Costa's Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Calliope Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Broad-tailed Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Blue-throated Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-chinned Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Broad-billed Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Anna's Hummingbird Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-throated Swift Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Vaux's Swift Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lesser Nighthawk Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Nighthawk Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Screech-Owl Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Long-eared Owl Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Great Horned Owl Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Flammulated Owl Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Eastern Screech Owl Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Elf Owl Updated photos
Jan 17, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Burrowing Owl Updated photos
Jan 16, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Barred Owl Updated photos
Jan 16, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Barn Owl Updated photos
Jan 16, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Greater Roadrunner Updated photos
Jan 16, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Nanday Parakeet Updated photos
Jan 16, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Monk Parakeet Updated photos
Jan 16, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lilac-crowned Parrot Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-winged Dove Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-crowned Pigeon Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Feral Rock Pigeon Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mourning Dove Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Inca Dove Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Eurasian Collared-Dove Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Ground-Dove Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Band-tailed Pigeon Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Tufted Puffin Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pigeon Guillemot Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Marbled Murrelet Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Murre Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Long-tailed Jaeger Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sandwich Tern Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Royal Tern Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Forster's Tern Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Elegant Tern Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Tern Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Caspian Tern Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black Tern Updated photos
Jan 13, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black Skimmer Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ring-billed Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Olympic Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mew Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Laughing Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Herring Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Heermann's Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Glaucous-winged Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Franklin's Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds California Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bonaparte's Gull Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-legged Kittiwake Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wilson's Snipe Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wilson's Phalarope Updated photos
Jan 12, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Willet Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Whimbrel Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Sandpiper Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wandering Tattler Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Spotted Sandpiper Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Short-billed Dowitcher Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sanderling Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ruddy Turnstone Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red Knot Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pectoral Sandpiper Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Marbled Godwit Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lesser Yellowlegs Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Least Sandpiper Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Long-billed Dowitcher Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Long-billed Curlew Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Greater Yellowlegs Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Dunlin Updated photos
Jan 11, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black Turnstone Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-necked Stilt Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Avocet Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black Oystercatcher Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Oystercatcher Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Snowy Plover Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Semipalmated Plover Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Piping Plover Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Killdeer Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-bellied Plover Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Whooping Crane Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sandhill Crane Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Crane Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Virginia Rail Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sora Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Purple Gallinule Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Gallinule Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Coot Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Peregrine Falcon Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Merlin Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Kestrel Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-tailed Kite Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Swainson's Hawk Updated photos
Jan 10, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Swallow-tailed Kite Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sharp-shinned Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Snail Kite Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-tailed Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-shouldered Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Rough-legged Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Harrier Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Harris's Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gray Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Golden Eagle Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ferruginous Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cooper's Hawk Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Bald Eagle Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Osprey Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Turkey Vulture Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds California Condor Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black Vulture Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White Ibis Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds White-faced Ibis Updated photos
Jan 08, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Roseate Spoonbill Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Tricolored Heron Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Snowy Egret Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Reddish Egret Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Little Blue Heron Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Great White Heron Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Green Heron Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Great Egret Updated photos
Jan 07, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Great Blue Heron Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cattle Egret Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black-crowned Night-Heron Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Bittern Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American White Pelican Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pacific Brown Pelican Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Atlantic Brown Pelican Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Anhinga Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pelagic Cormorant Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Neotropic Cormorant Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Double-crested Cormorant Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brandt's Cormorant Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Gannet Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Brown Booby Updated photos
Jan 06, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Blue-footed Booby Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Magnificent Frigatebird Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wood Stork Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Flamingo Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Western Grebe Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Pied-billed Grebe Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Horned Grebe Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Eared Grebe Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Clark's Grebe Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Loon Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Masked Bobwhite Quail Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gambel's Quail Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds California Quail Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wild Turkey Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Sooty Grouse Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Greater Sage-Grouse Updated photos, text
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ring-necked Pheasant Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Indian Peafowl Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Dusky Grouse Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Chukar Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Tundra Swan Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Trumpeter Swan Updated photos
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mute Swan Updated photos, text
Jan 05, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Black Swan Updated photos
Jan 03, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Red-breasted Merganser Updated photos
Jan 03, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Hooded Merganser Updated photos
Jan 03, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Merganser Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Snow Goose Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ross's Goose Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Greater White-fronted Goose Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cackling Goose Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Chinese Goose Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Canada Goose Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wood Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Surf Scoter Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Shoveler Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Ruddy Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Redhead Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Northern Pintail Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Muscovy Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mottled Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mexican Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Mallard Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Long-tailed Duck Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Lesser Scaup Updated photos
Jan 02, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Indian Runner Duck Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds American Black Duck X Mallard Hybrid Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Wild Hybrid Duck 1 Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Harlequin Duck Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Green-winged Teal Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Greater Scaup Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Gadwall Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Common Goldeneye Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Cinnamon Teal Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Canvasback Updated photos
Jan 01, 2024 Wildlife, Birds Blue-winged Teal Updated photos

Past revision history: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009 (no update records for 2008 to 2002).
Note: All distances, elevations, and other facts are approximate.
notice; Last updated 240905

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